Saturday, August 18, 2012


1 comment:

  1. SCAM, be aware!!!

    They say you get paid when you reach $13.50 and 1500 clicks. I have them but can't request a payout, i get the following message:
    'Payout request refused
    The payout maximum for your account is 100% of your investment. As your investment is $0.00, the maximum amount you can request here is $0.00.'
    Why they didn't say this from the beginning, you only see this when you have the 13.50 and able to request, otherwise you will get the message that you didn't reach minimum payout.
    On top of this, now you only get paid if you click every day!
    They use all of these not to pay, the proof of payments doesn't show any payouts.

    And admin deleted my account after e-mailing him.


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